Monday, 25 May 2015


I was asked a short time ago how to make the milk carton style gift box.  It is a natty box that allows you to fill, and refill it, without spoiling the exterior.  I am all for recycling, so providing you tie it up with ribbon, or hold it together with a bull dog clip, it can easily be fastened and unfastened multiple times.

The basic principle of the carton is to divide your paper or card into 3 rows and 4 columns with an additional allowance for a tab to enable you to seal the side.  The layout shown is using an A4, but any side could work as long as you divide it up in the same manor.  For a taller box, just make the central row much deeper (using a 12 x 12 sheet and trim accordingly) An A4 divides neatly into 7cms square and the excess after 28 cms makes a good allowance for the tab.  The columns need to be cut to the 2 scored rows, shown in the bold solid lines on the diagram (the dashed lines are only scored)

To decorate, you might find it easier do this flat.  Only decorate the areas shown, as the rest will be folded in and will not be seen.  Alternatively use a double sided heavy weight paper, or stamp a design onto a coloured card.  Using double sided tape, or glue, seal the tab on the right to the side of panel on the left. You should now have the start of a square cylinder.  Fold in the two opposite plain panels at the bottom and seal together, then seal the third plain panel onto these, and finally the decorated panel.  Your base should be sealed properly to ensure the safety of any gift you put inside.  To close the top, fold in the two plain panels but do not seal them, then pinch the opposite two sides together at the top and use ribbon or a clip to hold it closed.  Boxes can be made as fancy or as plain as you like.  Shredded tissue paper inside will add an extra luxurious quality.

The taller boxes pictured below are made from a piece of 12 " sheet trimmed to 24 cms, making the rows 7 cms, 10 cms (middle section) and 7 cms.  Coloumns remian at 7cms wide.  
The mini carton was made from an A4 trimmed to 15 cms x 21 cms, scored into 12 equal squares of 5 cms, with the extra 1 cms for the tab.

Happy crafting  !!

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