Monday, 27 June 2016

Prick 'n stitch

There are an abundance of patterns, often free in magazines, but you could also make your own quite easily.  Basic shapes can easily be transformed with some creative stitching.  Now I aren't very good with a needle and thread, and I was actually banned from needlework at school, well using the machines at least !!

When you've chosen your design, you will need a pricking/piercing tool and a felt/foam mat.  Carefully attach your pattern to some card with some low tack tape, then prick out, using the mat underneath as a buffer.  If you look at the basic stitches in the pictures to the right, you will see the petals have one hole at the bottom, and pierced around each scallop from about half way up.  The stitches are worked in a fan, with each stitch always being worked through the hole at the bottom of the petal.  The centres are stars.  Again working each stitch into the centre hole, and into each hole around the circle.  The leaves and stem was a basic back stitch.

These are just a few basic stitches, but there is nothing to stop you being more creative and producing other patterns.  Have fun experimenting.  Whilst I consider myself to be abysmal at sewing, I did find this very therapeutic and was quite chuffed with the outcome.

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